The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), takes a holistic view of e-Governance initiatives across the country, integrating them into a collective vision. In era of e-Government, various e-Governance activities like e-Office, e-HRMS Manav Sampada, eHRMS 2.0, SPARROW, GeM, e-Procurement, PFMS etc. have been implemented at CWPRS. The transformation of government operations towards more efficient, transparent, and secure methods is paramount.
e-Office is a Mission Mode Project (MMP) under the National e-Governance Programme of the Government. The product is developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) aimed at improving internal efficiencies in organization through electronic administration leading to informed and quicker decision making, which in turn results in better public service delivery.
As per MoWR order No. F.No.J-11011(1)/1/2017-e-Gov dated 17/02/2017, CWPRS initiated the implementation of e-Office Premium and has been operational since 10th October, 2018.

- Electronic Human Resource Management System (eHRMS)
e-HRMS is online portal to provide end to end HR services to the government employees comprises of e-leave module, reimbursements, tour module etc. eHRMS Manav Sampada hosted by NIC was implemented in CWPRS on 2019 and at present it is migrated to DoPT, e-HRMS 2.0. Through this module, organization can manage, access and publish Circulars/OM/Orders, employee leaves/IPR etc.

- Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window (SPARROW)
SPARROW platform facilitates the electronic filling of Performance Appraisal Reports by officers in a user friendly and secured way through NICNET connectivity. CWPRS SPARROW instance has already gone live